Outdoor fitness equipment/outdoor fitness equipment introduction



With the development of my country's economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, in addition to clothing, food, housing and transportation, everyone has begun to care about their own sports and health.

With the development of my country's economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standards, in addition to clothing, food, housing and transportation, everyone has begun to care about their own sports and health. In order to promote the concept of sports and health, more and more parks and communities have begun to install outdoor public fitness equipment. Parks, squares, sports centers, playgrounds, etc. see all kinds of fitness equipment, and many communities are indispensable. Everyone will imitate the old people to perform a few routine actions. Maybe everyone can’t even name their names. This article I will sort out a few relatively commonly used outdoor fitness equipment for you, hoping to provide you with some help.

1. Horizontal bar - it is the most common in outdoor fitness community. Now the shape of horizontal bar has also changed in many places, and the volume is smaller, which saves a lot of space. The most common movement on the horizontal bar is the pull-up, which is the most test of fitness strength. Sticking to the horizontal bar movement can effectively exercise your waist, abdomen, shoulders, arms and other muscle groups. Regular use of the horizontal bar can improve the problem of the lumbar spine. , so the horizontal bar has also become one of the fitness equipment that everyone likes.

2. Parallel bars - In addition to the standard parallel bars that can be seen in schools or large outdoor fitness venues, the community or community considers the factors of safety and venues, and more parallel bars are configured. The movements of the parallel bars are the same as the movements of the horizontal bars. In addition to the arm flexion and extension, which is the most common exercise in daily life, there are many popular movements, such as parallel bar support swing, parallel bar forward roll, split leg turn, and parallel bar jerk.

3. Waist Twisting Machine - It is the standard equipment for community fitness. The most common is the three-ring waist twisting machine. It seems to be a device for the elderly to unclog the muscles and bones. The strength and flexibility of the waist muscles are very simple to use. Hold the armrests with both hands, step on the bottom of the gym, keep the upper body balanced, and turn the body to the left and right.

4. Walking machine—two-post walking machines and three-pillar walking machines are the most common in the community. Most of them are used by the elderly and young children. In fact, after really understanding its function, I found that it can also be hung. Core training such as plank, butt lift, abdominal suction, and mountaineering. How to use: Hold the handrail and the pedal, and alternately move your feet back and forth.

5. Stepping machine - The walking machine is different from the walking machine. The walking machine has two more handrails similar to the elliptical machine. It can also exercise the coordination of the limbs. Of course, the speed of this kind of equipment is not easy to control, and it is difficult to achieve the same effect as a treadmill, so it is mostly used by the elderly.

6. Rib - generally divided into single-shoulder rib and double-shoulder rib, it is a comprehensive fitness equipment, which can do double-arm climbing, hanging leg raising, hanging bending foot touching the chest, hanging wheel running, leg pressing and other actions. It can enhance the strength of the waist and abdomen, the hanging ability of the upper limbs, and can also exercise the strength of the legs, flexibility and flexibility of the upper limbs, and is generally suitable for young people.

7. Cloud Ladder - also known as Parallel Cloud Ladder, it uses the power of body swing and arm to pass through obstacles. The Cloud Ladder is a relatively low-difficulty exercise equipment. The use scheme: flexed arms to hang, hold the horizontal bar with both hands, and make the elbows hang vertically upwards; Walking with hands, holding the bar with both hands and walking forward alternately, exercises for the strength of the arms, shoulders, waist and abdomen.

8. Tai Chi Leg Kneading Device - also known as Tai Chi Wheel and Big Wheel, it is one of the common fitness equipment in the community. The structure is that four steel wheels are lifted up to the sky. The most common is the two-position big wheel, which can be used by two people at the same time. Use both hands to stick to the middle circular axis of the Tai Chi wheel, and turn it clockwise or counterclockwise to enhance the strength and elasticity of the shoulder girdle muscles. Improve the flexibility and flexibility of the shoulder joint, suitable for people with stiff shoulders, and are very popular among the elderly.

9. Massager - in some fitness areas, you can see the corresponding massager, such as vertical back massager, massage massager, leg massager, etc. Mainly used to relieve the fatigue of waist, legs and back. When using it, the rhythm should be controlled reasonably, and it should not be too fast or too slow.

10. Upper limb traction device - There are two handles and chains or connecting shafts on each side of the cell to connect the equipment that can be pulled left and right, called upper limb traction device or two-position pull-up balancer. Before using the equipment, a proper warm-up exercise should be carried out. The equipment is mainly to use its own strength to counterbalance and improve the mobility of the shoulders. For bodybuilders, it mainly exercises the strength of shoulders, wrists, arms and other parts, suitable for middle-aged and elderly people.

For, there are more than 11 kinds of outdoor fitness equipment, such as seated pedals, leg presses, seesaws, swings, etc. to exercise lower body strength. In general, outdoor fitness equipment is a derivative of gym equipment, and there is no time to go For fitness people in the gym or home office, as well as the middle-aged and elderly people in the community, outdoor fitness equipment is a good configuration for moving muscles and bones.

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